Survival Skills & Co. specializes in disaster response training, earthquake kits, disaster survival supplies since 1991 for schools and business. They have trained over 100,000 persons in their one day workshops. Creator of the worlds first “Disaster Response Guide for Schools” a twenty page guide for staff to save student lives. CPR and First Aid classes on site and public training available, visit our website for dates and times. Custom First Aid kits packed with professional quality supplies to treat real world injuries. Designed by captain Wayne Bennett (ret.) with 30 years of experience treating the injured. Our first Aid kits will manage CPR, severe bleeding, shock, burns, broken bones.
- Listing categories School Security & Student Safety
- Year Opened 1991
- Legal Business Name Disaster Survival Skills, LLC
- E-mail [email protected]
- Website
- Phone 760-220-0813
75161 Sego Ln.
Palm Desert, CA 92211